Friday, May 16, 2014

WOW - PALS event 2014

WOW! All I can say is WOW.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, sponsored and attended last night's People Against Leigh's Syndrome event. I came home to a sleeping Will and crawled into bed with him and held him tight for a long time.

We had an amazing turnout and I can't wait to announce the final dollar amount that was raised.... it's going to knock your socks off :-)

The list of thank you's are long. The amazing people we met last night are generous. Lots to do, but for now, I just need to say thank you.

Will is my hero. Last night we took a huge step towards saving my hero's life. My five year old son's body was born broken, but I am so incredibly hopeful he will be with us and happy for a long time to come.



  1. It was an amazing night! Thank you for all your hard work. Can't wait to hear the total!

  2. Laurie,

    Where can I send a check to help the fight?

    1. Thank you! That is so kind!

      We are still taking donations online through the event RSVP system online, here:

      OR Check donations should be made out to: "The Memorial Hermann Foundation" in the subject line you must put PALS. You can mail them to:
      Memorial Hermann Foundation
      Attn: Randi Koenig
      929 Gessner, Suite 2650
      Houston, Texas 77024
