Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quinn is ONE!

Time flies when you're mixing bottles, cleaning up spit up and cutting up food. What a year it's been with our little lady, Quinn Katherine Martin! She is 30" tall, 21 pounds and of course has that big "Martin family" head - 18.74" - the 98 percentile.

Birthday - 1/9/2014 at 4:44 p.m.

Nicknames: Quinny bear, QB, Little Miss Grabby Hands, Quinnsy, Q, Quinny, Sis, Little Lady

Favorite foods: Strawberries, avocado

Silly, crazy things she does:
-Walks around the house holding toys and dropping them along the way
-Loves bath time; she could play till the water gets cold
-Can say uhoh, dada, thank you, bye bye
-Loves to clap for herself and say "yeaaa" 
-Occasionally can find her nose and blow kisses
-After eating in the morning; goes hunting for her brother and dad
-Very stubborn
-Laughs when you tell her no; doesn't seem to care if you pop her hand
-Not a big snuggler, but will sometimes pat your back when she wakes up or greets you

Getting her into this world, our crazy lives, was a struggle. There were prior failures and mishaps along the way, but I couldn't imagine not having this little bundle of "normal" in our lives. 

It's been a unique year for us in that we actually watched a child develop "normally" - I still watch, in utter amazement, how her body works and moves. Taking her first steps at 10 months old was and still feels insane. The way she runs, pops right up and just rolls around with such ease is an amazing and bittersweet gift to see every day. 

I will never take anything she or Will does for granted. Just watching the two of them interact, play and be silly together is quite possibly the most amazing gift of all. 

Quinn has brought so much love, joy and happiness into all our lives. Her sweetness has filled so many holes in my heart, holes I didn't think could be filled are healing in a different way. I thank God every day for her and for Will and Neil. 

May you have many, many more! 


  1. Blessings all around! Happy birthday, Quinn!

  2. This post is so lovely. Also, you look entirely too pretty for having just had a baby in that top pic. Holy moly was I a hot mess. Love seeing the Martin family grow and change on this blog. Thanks for giving me a window into your world and the ability to see those cute little faces even though my 3Rs days are over. Big hugs!
