Thursday, December 15, 2011

Morbid Dear Abby

I admit, I read Dear Abby. It's silly, but it's a good brain break. I had to post this slightly morbid letter, but it made my heart happy. I know one day we'll all (hopefully) join God in Heaven, but I will likely be alive to send my little angel off. I just absolutely am going to do this. It made me happy to think that on such a sad day, there would and could be a little bit of fun and joy - after all, that's what Will is all about.

Dear Abby:
"Saddened in New Jersey" (Oct. 2) complained that her sister's 4-year-old daughter put stickers on the hands and face of her deceased grandmother during her wake. Perhaps the child's mother didn't anticipate her daughter's actions. Children need to grieve, too. That said, they also should behave appropriately.
I saw an article about one funeral home with an excellent solution. Before the dearly departed is placed in the casket, the inside fabric, pillow, etc. are removed. The children are then allowed to decorate the uncovered casket walls with farewell messages and drawings. The interior is then "reupholstered" and nothing is visible. The children are told that it is to keep their messages private.

One story was particularly touching - a little boy wanted his mommy to know how much he loved her and for his message to be as close to her as possible. He wrote "I love you, Mommy" on the casket pillow that was placed beneath her head. At the service, only he knew about the secret message he had left for his mom for all eternity.


  1. tears over here. big hugs to you.

  2. I wish there was a "like" button I could push like on Facebook! Sometimes I have no words but I think this is great (in an unfortunate way)!

  3. What a wonderful idea!
