Maria Contreras
Megan Garza
The Gell’s
Hank & Diane Goggan
Janet Gonzalez
The Hayes'
Peyton & Murphy Jones
The Kotzebue’s
Ed & Pat Martin
Jason Parcell
Ry Pickard
Monica Sanchez
The Sims’
The Stewart’s
Jeanette Stovall
I know many people have said they are coming, but please sign up on our team site, Where' There's a Will There's a Way. Onsite registration is available, but we have a limited number of volunteers and it's so much easier to sign the waiver online.
Happy Energy For Life Walk 2013!
We'll be at Berryhill in the Heights following the walk if you'd like to join us for a margarita!
Lori, so proud of you and your family for your Energy for Life walk this year! We were sad to have missed it and have just made a donation to the new Leigh's Clinic. Even though we don't see you at school anymore, we still care about you, pray for you, and want to continue to support you!