Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Potty training

I promised myself that we would start potty training after we got back from Stanford. So, on Sunday we hid them in the closet tossed out the diapers (size 6!) and pulled up our big boy underwear and a bag of M&Ms. We had mixed results as did Will's teachers on Monday and Tuesday at school. I filled a bag full of underwear, pants and socks and we had quite a few wet items come home. All in all, he's doing ok.

I really am curious to see how this goes. I don't see any reason why we can't try to do this. He's interested, he likes it and he has been successful sometimes. I'm hoping that he is able to do this.

My deep dark secret for not wanting to potty train is that I'm afraid that one day he'll be back in diapers and he'll feel self conscious or defeated that he can't control it anymore. I hate that for him. I just have to keep reminding myself that right now, this is the right thing for him. He deserves the chance to try and do it. Don't we all? Besides, he loves earning "candeee" -

(1) M&Ms for pee pee
(2) M&Ms for poo poo
(3) M&Ms when daddy is on potty watch :-)

I now have a towel on the couch, chair and room just to keep it handy to put on my lap or whatever Will is sitting on. I learned that lesson quickly. He sat down on the couch and had an accident. I grabbed the closest material to dab it up... it just so happened to be his winter hat. That was tossed in the wash too.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I love that daddy watch is an automatic 3 pointer. Every family needs a softy ;)

    As the teachers can tell you, wet clothes are just a part of the whole process. My kids were still getting pee pants home 6-7 months later (sorry to tell ya. haha). Even when they learn control, they still get distracted by the very important stuff they are doing and I swear it seems like EVERY time they have to go its an emergency. We use Elmo's potty training mantra "Listen to your body." And yes, Milena was a better "listener" than Vincent, since the whole girl/boy potty training learning curve has proved totally true at our house. YAY WILL! Get that "candeeee" ;)
